Biden's aides quickly dismiss the press after the president asks if he can take a couple of questions Fox News Video

3124   11 months ago
kevind | 0 subscribers
3124   11 months ago
Biden's aides quickly dismiss the press after the president asks if he can take a couple of questions Fox News Video
Tags: run, away
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That would be all well and good if he was a decent man. That is subjective. What is objective if his refusal to honor his oath of office. Keep our boarders secure.

I don’t want to hear pass the bill. The bill that should be passed was HR2.

If you feel so bad for Biden, write his wife and tell her to quit using him. It’s called elder abuse.
Easy to snipe at a kind and decent man trying his best to lead the free world, and keep to a schedule that most men or women would whither under, meanwhile Trump is asking our enemies to give him money to pay the numerous legal judgements he brought upon himself, creating a presidential candidate for sale to the highest bidder scenario that can't and won't be hidden from the American people any longer!
Too funny, The President "Am I allowed to take questions?" LMAO The leader of the free world.